To install the latest version of the add-on
Ultimate Seo Urls 5 PRO.
Basically, installation of this module help you get a better ranking in search engines such as Google and if you are not near the top of the list people will not come to your site.
For the more technically minded here are some specifications.
Server: *nix or Windows/IIS
PHP requirements:
Version: 5.2.0+ (actually 5.1.3+ I believe at time of launch)
SPL (Standard PHP Library)
Traditional Rewrite URIs require:
*nix server (Windows/IIS does not have mod_rewrite)
mod_rewrite (as part of the apache build)
AllowOveride All (php.ini setting)
MySQL 5 (Strict Trans Tables)
Traditional rewrite uris (*nix) produce exactly the same uris as the old 2 series (assuming the same settings)
The above means that should you upgrade from 2 series you don't have to worry about changed links
Works on Windows/IIS (BETA at time of launch due to lack of extensive testing)
Two seo uri choices .. standard and rewrite .. Windows/IIS can only use standard
error free - error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT)
Modular design
Plug in modules for contributions
Simple database installer
Inbuilt uri validation
301 redirects
Custom 404 Page not found
Zero queries or database use after cache fully loaded
Cache saving is sequential rather than one big DB hit
Admin selectable debug output
File (array) based character conversion (BETA at time of launch)
Simple cache life in admin based on "cache days"
Extensive security measures to safeguard the querystring
Series 2 database removal tool
Ability to switch between uri types via admin without changing any code as below:
On: standard seo uris - rewrite seo uris
Off: standard osC uris - experimental search engine safe uris
Included Modules:
Popup image
Included contribution modules (ALPHA at time of release as untested):
Information Pages
Articles, Article Info
Newsdesk Index, Newsdesk Info, Newsdesk Reviews Info, Newsdesk Reviews Article
Features Removed (from old 2 series):
Page cache compatibility - the original author suggests that this should not be installed.