If you have bought a template or downloaded OSC you now need to install it on your web server.
Never done it before, well don't worry, here is a step-by-step guide, but if you find it daunting I can
install the OSC shop for you.
Now if you know about ftp you can use that to move files from your PC to your web server.
But if you don't, this article will help you get it all done using your hosting package's control panel.
If you are installing it directly from an option on your hosts control panel just jump forward to the bit that seems relevant to you.
The first thing to do is download the installation package.
On the OSC Forum website select Website >> Solutions >> Downloads and chose the 2.3.1 version, not V3.
Then log on to your hosting control panel and find the options called "File Manager", another called "phpMyAdmin", "MySQL Databases" and "MySQL Database Wizard".
The last 2 might not be there but the functionality to do everything required will be available in the first two.
If you can't find any of these, contact your hosts help line and ask them how to get to them. It is possible you have a hosting package that does not include php and MySQL. If so you can't install OSC and you will need to change your hosting package.
Create a Database to hold your data.
a) Use the "MySQL Database Wizard" to create a database and a user name and password that will be used later to can access the db. Write down these 3 pieces of information.
b) Use "MySQL Databases" to create a database and a user name along with their password. Then add the user to the database and allow them "All Privileges"
c) Use "phpMyAdmin" to create a database and a user name along with their password. Then add the user to the database and allow them "All Privileges"
Now go and change the character encoding to UTF_8_general_ci
Now use the "File Manager" option to upload the installation zip file to your web server.
The question you have to ask yourself is where do I put it, look for a directory called www or public_html and "Upload" it to there.
Use the Expand option to uncompress the zip file.
You will use the 'catalog' folder but it is worth browsing through the other directories for the documentation and extras.
If you want your shop's URL to be www.yourdomain.com/catalog then move the whole of the catalog folder to the root directory of your website.
If you want the site to be available at www.yourdomain.com then move the contents of the catalog folder to the root directory of your website, but not the folder itself.
Then go to www.yourdomain.com/catalog/install or www.yourdomain.com/install and follow the on-line install procedure. You will be prompted to enter various pieces of information.
The next bit varies depending on the version you are installing so be prepared for variations on what is described here, a 2.3.1 installation.
Set DB Server to 'localhost', If that doesn't work there may be different db server settings which your host might have told you or it is somewhere on the control panel after you have created the db e.g. db_name.db.999999.hostedserver.com
Your db user name and password (for MySQL access) should have been provided to you by your web hosting company but you might have created a new name and password earlier.
The name of the database you should know, because you just set it up. Make sure you change the name of the admin directory to something you will remember and write it down e.g. mydomain_admin or admin_for_mydomain or admin_for_fred.
If prompted Do not enable SSL unless you already have it installed or intend to shortly, elect to store sessions in the database and not files (un-tick the box), and do not enable persistent connections.
After the install is complete create a folder called 'backups' inside the 'admin' folder (via FTP), and delete the install folder.
The other thing you should do is to delete any files and directories that are not part of the shop such as documentation etc. You can always get a copy by unzipping the file on you PC or just download them before deleting them on the server.
IMPORTANT STEP FOR EXISTING AND NEW SITES (18/07/90). Follow the steps outlined at SECURITY.
Reset permissions on the two configure.php files to 644, 444, or 400 depending on your server setup, often if you use an ftp client you might not be able to change permissions, in this case use file-manger in your host's control panel..
Password Protect your 'admin' folder using the Password Protect feature in your web hosting control panel.
Now seriously consider installing all the contributions mentioned below in the "Security Contributions You Ought to Apply" section.
Once your site is secured and any SEO you want is installed, remove the password protection from your shop root.
Now enjoy OS Commerce