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What To Do Once OSC Is Installed

What To Do Once OSC Is Installed
This is the start of a list of things you need to do to, to get your shop up and going, there will be more but these will get you most of the way there.

As I remember more steps they will get added on.

Remember this guide is written for the shops downloaded fom this site, so yours might differ lightly. Other downloads do not have the UK settings already set up, ready to be used, in some of the files:-

First look at the last page that was displayed during the installation process and follow the "Post Installation" steps under the buttons.

Then look through every entry in the admin menu and just read every option there is in each option. In this way, when you come across a problem you will know where there is something relevant to your problem or at least know there is something in the shop admin somewhere.

These are some of the shop parameters that need setting as you go through them.

Store Logo

My Store

Store Name - This should have been set during the installation.
Store Owner - This should have been set during the installation.
E-Mail Address - This should have been set during the installation.
E-Mail From - This should have been set during the installation.
Switch To Default Language Currency
Send Extra Order Emails To
Switch To Default Language Currency true Info
Send Extra Order Emails To

Customer Details
Do you need Gender & DOB?

Shipping/ Packaging
Country of Origin
Postal Code
Enter the Maximum Package Weight you will ship
Package Tare weight. 0
Larger packages - percentage increase.

Product Listing

Check stock level
Subtract stock
Allow Checkout
Mark product out of stock
Stock Re-order level

Modules >> Shipping

Check the "How To" on this.


Check the "How To" on this.

Set up and remove those not needed.

Set up and remove those not needed.

Now you can think about setting up a favicon.

If your currency is not GBP, edit /includes/english.php and change the currency. For USD just comment out the UK section by adding \ to the beginning of the line and uncomment the US section.

If your date format is not dd/mm/yy, edit /includes/english.php and change the date format.

Once you have to deleted the test products and categories and you are ready to start loading your own products and SELL, SELL, SELL.

You should also delete the images used in the test product etc in the images directory.

Finally, join the OSCommerce Community where you can find more solutions and free code that you can add to your site.

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